Help end the suffering of animals

Stop Animal Cruelty
OUR WORK IS TIME CRITICAL – Donate to rescue innocent animals from cruel captivity
You can support FOUR PAWS next animal rescue mission
Rescue Wild Animals Across the World NOW
Your support can help rescue animals from unbearable cruelty.
We operate a highly skilled rescue unit who can act fast to get suffering animals out of cruel captivity and abusive situations.
Our team of expert rescue workers and veterinarians are trained specially for these important missions.
But we can’t do it alone. We need your support to run animal rescue missions all over the world to free animals from cruelty and exploitation. Together we can:
• Rescue bears suffering in bile farms
• Save lions and tigers from illegal breeding conditions
• Release orangutans from exploitation
• Help dogs and cats escape the cruel meat trade
Rescuing an animal from appalling living conditions and abuse is only the first step. Once the animal is free from harm, FOUR PAWS provides food and ongoing medical care so they can recover and live happy and healthy lives in one of our species-appropriate sanctuaries. Monthly donations are the most effective way to help this happen.
We need your urgent support to prepare for our upcoming animal rescue missions.Airlie Donated
Kerry-Ann Donated
Susanna Donated Monthly
Jacob Donated Monthly
Michael and Julie Donated
Leesa Donated
Luisa Donated
Pat Donated
David Donated
Tom Donated Monthly
Joan Donated
Robert Donated
Colleen Donated
Heather Donated
Ian Donated
Anna Donated
Alicia Donated Monthly
Deok-Soon Donated
Vanta Donated
Toni Donated
Jacki Donated
Stephanie Donated
Pam Donated
Nikki Donated
Firdos Donated
Maria Donated
Amanda Donated
Colby Donated
Megan Donated
Vera Donated Monthly
Martin Donated
Heather Donated
Jane Donated
Tamara Donated Monthly
Lyndel Donated
Tamara Donated
Ashleigh Donated
Virginia Donated
Sylvia Donated
Anne Donated
Pippa Donated
John Donated Monthly
Cynthia Donated
John Donated
Maria Donated
Sheida Donated Monthly
Belinda Donated Monthly
Victoria Donated
Peter Donated
Rosalie Donated
Bernadette Donated
James Donated
Lisa Donated
Gabriele Donated
Malia Donated
Maureen Donated Monthly
Arie Donated Monthly
Jane Donated
Lisa Donated Monthy
Janet Donated Monthy
Rehana Donated Monthy
Mandy Donated
Heather Donated
Anna Donated
Aura Donated
Barbara Donated
Pam Donated
Kristian Donated
Bernadette Donated
Elizabeth Donated Monthly
Wendy Donated Monthly
Joanne Donated
Harihar Donated
Lucy Donated
Amelie Donated Monthly
Natalie Donated Monthly
Ashleigh Donated Monthly
Amanda Donated Monthly
Frederick Donated
Karen Donated
Darren Donated
Jadge Donated Monthly
Deborah Donated Monthly
George Donated
Philip Donated
Gouri Donated
Lisa Donated
Lisa Donated
Joanne Donated Monthly
Christine Donated Monthly
Sonja Donated
Felicity Donated Monthly
Luke Donated
Kathleen Donated
Julianne Donated
Peter Donated Monthly
Matt Donated
Rossco Donated
Fleur Donated Monthly
Kim Donated
Adam Donated
Carolina Donated Monthly
Ali Donated Monthly
Max Donated
Patrick Donated
Robert Donated
Diane Donated Monthly
Georgie Donated
Pen Donated
Talyena Donated
Kat Donated
Amethyst Donated Monthly
George Donated
Elizabeth Donated
Prapimpun Donated
Angelina Donated
Katie Donated
Vanessa Donated
Fran Donated
Debra Donated
Amy Donated Monthly
Mehernaz Donated
Karen Donated
Michelle Donated
Suzanne Donated
Lisa Donated
Pauline Donated
Dianne Donated
Kathleen Donated
Andrew Donated
Karen Donated
Elizabeth Donated
Jennifer Donated
Peter Donated
Noralie Donated
Alex Donated Monthly
Noelene Donated
Philip Donated
Michelle Donated
Ryan Donated
Jim Donated
Inge Donated
Sonika Donated Monthly
Sue Donated
Paul Donated
Julia Donated
Jace Donated
Rita Donated
Ross Donated
Robyn Donated Monthly
Robyn Donated
Nathalie Donated
Kat Donated
Carol Donated
John and Fiona Donated
Jane Donated
Steven Donated Monthly
Jackie Donated
Sylvia Donated
Marlene Donated
Sharon Donated
Sharon Donated Monthly
Anthony Donated
Rhianna Donated
Michelle Donated
Michaelah Donated
Claude Donated
Rasneet Donated
Susanna Donated
Priyanthie Donated
Pip Donated
Christine Donated
Dawn Donated Monthly
Safia Donated Monthly
Jennifer Donated
Maria Donated
Guarav Donated
Carine Donated Monthly
Lorraine Donated Monthly
Vincent Donated
Marilyn Donated
Georgina Donated
Edwina Donated
Giorgio Donated
Jannette Donated
Jackie Donated
Ronald Donated
Peter Donated
Heather Donated
Lorna Donated
Ronald Donated
Marianne Donated
George Donated
Helen Donated
Megan Donated
Isabelle Donated
Jenny Donated
Rachel Donated Monthly
Kylie Donated Monthly
Andrew Donated Monthly
Rosalie Donated
Burcu Donated
Iris Donated
Help stray dogs like Kasper these holidays 🎁
For 30 long days, Kasper wandered the streets in excruciating pain. Someone had cruelly bound his mouth shut with wire.
As a stray dog in Moldova, the odds were already stacked against him. His life was a daily fight for survival, battling a lack of food and shelter.
He was desperate, and in distress.
Our team raced to rescue him and finally freed him from the wire.
But suddenly, he went into cardiac arrest. Our highly skilled team used quick thinking to save his life.
After months of care, Kasper learnt to trust people again, and blossomed into a dog who loves playtime and walks. Today, he has a loving home!
Stray animals like Kasper need help and protection.

You can help change the lives of animals like Kasper these holidays 🎀. Will you give the gift of kindness and join our Animal Kind community today?
Your monthly donations will help save vulnerable animals all over the world from suffering and provide the care they desperately need.
Your ongoing support will make our critical animal rescue missions possible

Donate $29
$29 a month: can help rescue and treat injured and sick animals on the street

Donate $29
$29 a month: can help rescue and treat injured and sick animals on the street

Donate $45
$45 a month: can help end the cruel dog and cat meat trade through lobbying for change, raising awareness and permanently closing slaughterhouses

Donate $45
$45 a month: can help end the cruel dog and cat meat trade through lobbying for change, raising awareness and permanently closing slaughterhouses

Donate $100
$100 a month: can help provide specialised vet treatment for animals suffering lifelong health concerns

Donate $100
$100 a month: can help provide specialised vet treatment for animals suffering lifelong health concerns

FOUR PAWS rescues wild and endangered animals from cruelty and exploitation.
Missions need to be planned with expert precision, they can be dangerous, difficult and time critical.
When animals are in crisis, we go where we’re needed. We break them out and get them to safety before it’s too late.
You can make sure we are ready to rescue at any moment.
Join Our Animal Kind Community
Irrefutable scientific research has proven that animals are sentient beings just like us.
They know joy, build bonds and learn skills to survive. Sadly, this also means they experience pain, distress and hopelessness.
Mistreated, drugged, forced to perform, confined to small, barren cages and often fed far too little. This is not the life a magnificent wild animal deserves.
Be part of the Animal Kind community and give ongoing support to break animals out of terrible, sometimes illegal conditions.
Choose LIFE for the animals on this planet that depend on you for their safety.
Photo credits: Lioness Kandaka before rescue © FOUR PAWS | Hristo Vladev, Lioness Kandaka after treatment © Osman Salih | FOUR PAWS, Tiger vet examination © Channel 4 | Blast! Films, Staff patting caged dog © Aaron Gekoski